MicroBilt Maintenance Schedule

MicroBilt 2024 Maintenance

MicroBilt is committed to providing the highest possible quality of service. Therefore, we proactively notify our customers of significant events, so they have the opportunity to manage their businesses appropriately.

For 2024 we have reduced total maintenance window times by 27 hours. Please note that NOT all the listed maintenance windows will be used this year, in 2023 we used less than 50% of these pre-scheduled windows with impacts ranging from 5 minutes to 100 minutes per window. We reserve the right to perform scheduled maintenance in 2024 on the following dates & times and while we do not anticipate being off-line the entire time of the maintenance window, some or all MicroBilt systems, networks, and services may become unavailable for a few minutes to the entire duration of the maintenance window. We continue to minimize the impact of system availability as much as possible during these maintenance windows.

Maintenance windows follow these guidelines:
  • Typically scheduled on Wednesday & Sunday, except for certain holidays and blackout periods.
  • Monthly maintenance lasts for 2 hours & quarterly maintenance lasts for 5 hours.
  • The full maintenance window is rarely used and in most cases, processing impact lasts under 30 minutes.
  • Normal operations are resumed once the maintenance is completed.

What can I expect to happen during scheduled maintenance?
Although we have redundancies in place to protect your services, some MicroBilt services may be unavailable:
  • GUI and API access
  • SFTP access
  • Reporting & Batch processing
  • Websites, i.e. microbilt.com, creditserver.microbilt.com, prbc.com
For up-to-the-minute updates, follow @microbilt911 on Twitter
See MicroBilt System Status for current service & platform availability.

If you need more information regarding these maintenance windows, contact your account manager or Microbilt Support at 800-884-2733.

MicroBilt 2024 maintenance schedule

2024 Dates

EST Time (AM)

Jan 10


Feb 7


Feb 25


Mar 13


Apr 10


May 8


May 19


Jun 12


Jul 17


Aug 14


Aug 25


Sep 11


Oct 9


Nov 17


Dec 4


Creation date: 12/29/2022 9:22 PM      Updated: 12/5/2023 11:47 AM
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